Remote change of curriculum

Should you wish to alter any selections after registering, you may use the Change of Curriculum option.

Step One

Click here to log on to Student Central to begin the process. When you click on Change of Curriculum, you will be presented with the modules you are currently registered for. Please select any modules you want to remove, and “Save and Continue”

Step Two

Next, you will be presented with a list of possible modules you can add on. Please note the rules from Step 6 above apply, including Academic Approvals where necessary.

Next, you will be presented with a list of possible modules you can add on. Please note the rules from Step 6 above apply, including Academic Approvals where necessary.

Note: RED subject names denote subjects which you have selected for cancellation. You may reselect them here if necessary.

Note: GREEN subject names denote subjects for which you are already registered.

Click on Save and Continue at the bottom of your screen once you have made your changes.

Step Three

Once saved, without any errors and after any further approvals, you will be presented with a summary of your changes, and then a summary of the costs for this change. You will need to click on Accept Registration to confirm the changes made.

Please note that cancelling and adding modules could have extra costs associated so please be careful.