Leading UKZN Entrepreneurship Experts Share Insights at Summit

UKZN Entrepreneurship Experts Summit
Dr Lindiwe Kunene

Leading UKZN experts in entrepreneurship Dr Lindiwe Kunene delivered presentations at the third annual KwaZulu-Natal Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) summit.

 ESD, which identifies entrepreneurship as a critical alternative with 60% of the country’s youth unemployed, hosted the event aiming to provide managers from private and public companies with greater insights and knowledge on how to implement effective ESD programmes.

Kunene who mentors’ entrepreneurs at different stages of their studying and has extensive knowledge of ESD within BBBEE legislation in practice and theory which helps her to guide organisations and assist entrepreneurs through the process presented on empowering enterprises and suppliers with knowledge on tackling SMME (small, medium and micro enterprises)-ESD fatigue and to point out ways to strengthen the business value chain. She gave tips on how to leverage ESD to complement business goals and on how to incorporate a business plan.

Kunene encouraged business players to do ESD training programmes to acquire essential business skills and for SMMEs to identify in the specified local communities.

‘These training programmes also help to determine how best we can all support SMMEs to play an important role in addressing the challenges we face in the country such as poverty, unemployment and inequality,’ she said.

Words: Samukelisiwe Cele

Photographs: Albert Hirasen

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