#Sikanye Nawe Kuhambo Lakho Oluya Empumelelweni

Registration 2025

Professor Managay Reddi

Acting DVC & Head of College

Welcome to the College of Law and Management Studies

We hope that you will be inspired to join our College as a student or, that as a parent, you will be convinced to entrust your young adult(s) to our academic care. Our College prides itself on offering a supportive and student-centred learning environment at each of the Howard College, Pietermaritzburg and Westville campuses. The College consists of about 300 dedicated academic and supportive administrative staff and approximately 11000 committed students. Our academics and professional services staff mission is to facilitate the academic and social growth of all students in our care.

The College consists of four Schools, namely:

As Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College, I am supported by six Deans, four from the schools as well as a College Dean of Teaching and Learning and a College Dean of Research, while administrative support is provided by the College Director of Professional Services, who has the function and role of a College Registrar.

Our College offers a wide spectrum of qualifications including Bachelors, Honours, Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters (coursework and full research) and Doctorates.

Due to the nature of its programmes and disciplines, the College produces students who join highly specialized professions such as legal practice, accountancy, marketing, financial management, human resources and public administration. As a result, the College has influential alumni and strong professional links. Consequently, our students are highly marketable and widely sought after.

Our commitment to transformation continues, hence it is our aim to continue to attract students from different cultures and diverse backgrounds. It is also our aim to provide appropriate and relevant programmes that will enable our students to grow intellectually during their stay at this University. We shall also continue to endeavor to attract academics of a high standard to add to the existing staff complement, many of whom are eminent and respected scholars in their fields of specialization.

College of Law and Management Studies Schools

Graduate School of Business & Leadership Studies

Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, Doctoral Studies

School of Accounting, Economics & Finance

Bachelor’s, Honours,  Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, Doctoral Studies

School of Law

LLB , Postgraduate Diplomas, LLM,  Doctoral Studies

School of Management, IT and Governance

Bachelor’s, Honours,  Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, Doctoral Studies

Gen AI

Call for book Chapters

Book Title: Navigating the Ethics of Generative AI in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities

Editor: Professor Upasana G Singh, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Publisher: Elsevier

Proposal Submission Deadline:
10 February 2025

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Howard College

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